Sometimes, even if you no longer know the person the way you used to, even if you no longer talk, even if you no longer see them and may not even remember how their voice sounds like, you still cannot help but smile widely, happily and genuinely when you hear how well, how happy, how beautiful their life is right now.

Over the past few years, some friends from the past are no longer as close as they used to be. I haven’t seen them in ages, haven’t talked to them in ages because I am such a failure at keeping in touch but I am so happy to see where they are today. It never fails to amaze me the kind of persons we have become today. From who we were to who we are today. Everybody has been on a different journey and yet, everybody has been equally mind-blowing. It was privilege knowing you guys.

Temme Lee

Lee-Lim Ai Ping

Janice Cheng

Irene Ooi






Jonathan Yap

Benedict Justin

Christina Mary

Olivia Scully

Grace Ooi

It’s been an amazing journey and thank you for inspiring me in ways small or big to just chase my dreams and dare to be me, just the way I am.
1 Response
  1. Anonymous Says:

    girl its me..kumatha... so sweet u mentioned my name in that list..
    nway in case we lose contact again dont ever forget that i'll never forget u.. i'll definitely invite u to my wedding..hahaha..if that happens... cheers and all the best..